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Transform your life from the inside out.

Heal your wounds and beliefs to open new possibilities.

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"A turning point in my life."
- A client who met a woman he loves shortly after we worked on romantic relationship blockages. He is now happily engaged.

"For those considering mental health support or therapy, I would go to Olisia first."
- A client whose mindset shifted from "I am a burden" to "I am a gift" through caring for his inner child.

"For the first time in a long time I feel whole again."
- A client who overcame an addictive habit and now is better able to meet his needs.

Examples of other results people have experienced:
- Connected to self-compassion and optimism
- Identified and started n
ew fulfilling careers that bring joy
- Increased confidence

- Stopped hearing voices
- Regained drained energy
Decreased chronic pain and migraines 
- Reached profound insights and realizations
- Experienced energy healing

Book a session if you'd like to give it a try and let's see if I can help with what you are going through!​

* I am not a licensed therapist or psychiatrist.
While it's not possible to guarantee outcomes or timelines, clients often begin to experience shifts after 1-2 sessions (sometimes after years of working with therapists on an issue).

“You reached me in a way I haven't been reached in a long time. It's like you cracked my consciousness open and peered in."
"Like a psychedelic trip or shamanic journey without drugs. What a profound and life changing experience."
“Your insights nudged me to go all in with my healing and made me make myself a priority. I was teary towards the end and full of gratitude.”
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© 2022 by Olisia Juzyc

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